Dear Guest
By being a guest in the park, you hereby agree to the following park rules and terms:
All Guests must complete the Guest Registration Form Prior to Arrival. Click Here Guest Registration Form
1. RISK OF LOSS, WAIVER OF LIABILITY: Guests and visitors acknowledge and assume all risks of
every kind, including injury to property or person, in connection with the occupancy of the rented lot or premises. Guests and visitors hereby release Hidden River RV Park LLC and all of its agents, officers, directors, and employees, from any liability whatsoever in connection with the use of this park. The scope of this release shall include, but not be limited to, damages or losses or injuries encountered in connection with transportation, food, lodging, medical concerns, entertainment, physical injury of any kind, theft, vandalism, equipment failure, negligence or neglect, fire, wind storm, rain, hurricane, or other casualty loss. Guests and visitors understand that this constitutes a waiver of liability relating to the active, passive, or gross negligence of Hidden River RV Park LLC and all of its agents, officers, directors, and employees. Guests and visitors further agree to hold harmless and to release Hidden River RV Park LLC from and against any and all claims and causes of action of every kind arising from any
and all physical or emotional injuries and/or damages which may occur, inclusive of friends or family.
2. Occasional overnight guests must be registered in advance in compliance with state law. You are responsible for the conduct of your guests. You are responsible for paying $10 per night for each overnight guest after you register them.
3. Payment is considered late after the due date. A late fee of $25 per day will apply if payment is not made within 24 hours of due date. A $35 charge will be applied for any returned checks
4. Amount paid for reservation is non-refundable if cancelled within30 days of arrival. No refunds for early departure
5. Only recreational vehicles in good working order are allowed in the park. Park models or flush toilet conversions are not acceptable.
6. Loud parties, excess noise, drunkenness, foul language, or illegal conduct will not be tolerated. Radio, television, and talking must not be audible to your neighbors after 10pm weekdays or 11pm weekends.
7. The park speed limit is 10 miles per hour. Loud or unsafe vehicles will not be permitted in thepark. No parking in the street.
8. Each lot must be arranged in an attractive manner. No building, screen, or awning structures are allowed other than a retractable RV awning. No refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, etc., are allowed outside an RV. No digging of any kind is allowed. No plantings or improvements may be added or removed from the park without written consent from management.
9. You must keep your lot clean, neat, and attractive. No bottles, cans, boxes, or debris of any nature shall be stored on the premises outside or beneath the trailer. Clotheslines are not allowed on your lot.
10. No soliciting or commercial enterprise is allowed in the park.
11. No subletting or assignment permitted. No sales of merchandise is allowed in the park.
12. This is a drug free park. Any position, use or distribution of a controlled substance as defines in Florida statue 893 is a violation of the park rules
13. All guests staying one month or more must provide a 30 day notice prior to departure
14. Deposit for long term guests will be refunded minus any incurred charges
15. Washing machines must be cleaned after using. Clothes must be removed from dryers as soon as dry. No heavy blankets, sleeping bags, rugs, etc. in washing or drying machines.
16. Garbage should be placed in plastic bags and disposed of in the dumpster. Garbage should not be stored outside of trailers. Boxes must be broken down/crushed. See management before disposing of large items.
17. Any feminine supplies, disposable diapers, paper towels, etc., are not to be flushed down toilets. Please wrap and place in dumpster.
18. No coffee grounds, garbage, grease, or hair are to be disposed of via water drains. There will be a minimum service charge of $50.00 for any sewer line plugged by foreign objects.
19. Only one car is allowed to park per space. Visitors must park in the visitor parking lot. No parking in the street. Do not drive over or park on patios.
20. There will be no major repair work done on automobiles, etc., in the park. Oil changing permitted only if waste oil is removed to an approved collection center off park premises. Any dumping of oil on the premises is a violation of State law
21. Dogs should be on a leash at all times. Pet waste must be picked up and properly
disposed of properly.
22. The management shall have the right to add to or amend these rules as required at anytime.
23. Guests are encouraged to read and become familiar with Florida Statue Chapter 513 for state park guidelines at: https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2018/Chapter513/All
24. Any violations to the above rules will be remedied at the guest’s expense and may result in actions including but not limited to, removal of guest’s property, towing of vehicles or RV, contacting local authorities, termination of service including utility shutoff, and immediate eviction/removal from park.
WiFi / Wireless Network Terms of Use
We are offering this guest WiFi wireless Internet service (the “Service”) according to this Guest WiFi Wireless Networking Acceptable Use Policy (the “Policy”) as a non-public service to its visitors for the duration of their official visits. All users of this Service must agree to the terms of this Policy .We do not guarantee the Service or specific rates of speed. We also have no control over information obtained through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content or accuracy. Use of the service is subject to the user’s own risk. We reserve the right to remove, block, filter, or restrict by any other means any material that, in our sole discretion, may be illegal, may subject us to liability, or may violate this Policy. We may cooperate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of any suspected or alleged crime or civil wrong. Violations of this Policy may result in the suspension or termination of access to the Service or other resources, or other actions as detailed below.
Responsibilities of Service Users:
Users are responsible for ensuring they are running up-to-date anti-virus software on their wireless devices. Users must be aware that, as they connect their devices to the Internet through the Service, they expose their devices to: worms, viruses, Trojan horses, denial-of-service attacks, intrusions, packet-sniffing, and other abuses by third-parties. Users must respect all copyrights. Downloading or sharing copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited. The running of programs, services, systems, processes, or servers by a single user or group of users that may substantially degrade network performance or accessibility will not be allowed. Connecting to "Peer to Peer" file sharing networks or downloading large files, such as CD ISO images, is also prohibited. Accessing another person's computer, computer account, files, or data without permission is prohibited. Attempting to circumvent or subvert system or network security measures is prohibited. Creating or running programs that are designed to identify security loopholes, to decrypt intentionally secured data, or to gain unauthorized access to any system is prohibited. Using any means to decode or otherwise obtain restricted passwords or access control information is prohibited. Forging the identity of a user or machine in an electronic communication is prohibited. Saturating network or computer resources to the exclusion of another's use, for example, by overloading the network with traffic such as emails or legitimate (file backup or archive) or malicious (denial of service attack) activity, is prohibited. Users understand that wireless Internet access is inherently not secure, and users should adopt appropriate security measures when using the Service. We highly discourage users from conducting confidential transactions (such as online banking, credit card transactions, etc.) over any wireless network, including this Service. Users are responsible for the security of their own devices.
Limitations of Wireless Network Access:
We are not liable for any damage, undesired resource usage, or detrimental effects that may occur to a user's device and/or software while the user’s device is attached to the Service. The user is responsible for any actions taken from his or her device, whether intentional or unintentional, that damage or otherwise affect other devices or users of the Service. The user hereby releases the Company from liability for any loss, damage, security infringement, or injury which the user may sustain as a result of being allowed access to the Service. The user agrees to be solely responsible for any such loss, infringement, damage, or injury.
I have read and fully understand and agree to the park rules, risk of loss, and waiver of liability.